Gadget Guru is a short weekly radio show on World Radio Switzerland that I do with Tony Johnston.
Here’s the show from February 10th, 2015:
Here’s the usual set of links & videos from the show:
The totally brain-resetting LIFT Conference web site so you can see what you missed. The presentation from my workshop on Designing Alternative Currency Systems can be found on the Pangloss Labs site.
The BikeCityGuide can be found in the app stores for iOS and Android, or take a look at their web site. The Geneva map basically goes from the Jura to the Saleve.
You’ll need to use google translate or the Chrome browser (which has google translate built in) to read the Norwegian website, but it’s worth it to find out how to get those 21st century cowbells.
Being more serious, the European Space Agency Technology Transfer program is designed to bring space applications into our daily lives, so if you are a startup company, you’ll want to take a look.
You know about the awesome Solar Impulse project, but have you heard of Solar Stratos – using solar power to get to the edge of space? Another local project, as is Swiss Space Systems – who are hiring.
The Pangloss Labs Internet of Things meetup will be held on the 23rd of February in Eaux-vives. You don’t need to be an expert – just bring an object and tell us how you’d like it to be connected (or not!) For details on this and all our events click here.